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This is me.

Hi, I’m Jo and as The Holistic Image Coach, I bring together over 30 years’ experience, knowledge and expertise as a Beautician, Makeup Artist, Wellness Coach and Master Image Consultant to empower women in their midlife to take back control, selfcare and to look and feel great at the same time.


When I am not working with you, you will find me Care working, walking my dog Buddy, swimming, working out or even working at the Royal Oak pub in Marlow. I just love being with people and Iook forward to meeting you and supporting you on your journey to look and feel great.

“When you wake up in the morning is the first thing you do is to reach out for a drink”? This was my low and this was my wakeup call to start feeling better. This is what made me turn my life around and wow, am I glad that I did. With it, it has brought a new lease of life and a whole new level of  happiness.

Working for my parents for 15 years in the hospitality industry taught me how to look after others and that has been instilled in me with the roles that I have had over the years. The Beauty industry became my first love and I trained as a Beautician, had my own business for a while and then worked in various cosmetic houses in department stores. After a move to Hong Kong, (and being Cabin Crew) I worked as Head Makeup Artist for a Style Company and was fascinated in how women ‘learnt’ how to dress, something I had never thought about. Coming back home, I too trained as an Image Consultant and gained my Masters (recognised by City & Guilds). To understand your body shape is one of the secrets to looking good! I am not an ‘on trend’ gal and hate us being dictated too about what fashion we should wear, personally I feel it knocks a lot of women’s confidence. You need to ‘own’ yourself. As Brad Pitt said, “there is nothing sexier on a woman than her confidence”.


Having to turn my whole health around is when I got introduced to Arbonne – a holistic wellbeing company and discovered the power of the Mind, Body, Skin™ connection. Living a healthier life as brought me so much more, a new love of exercise, a new community and new beginnings, it even
took me to my first Triathlon only last year!


Having been an Image Coach for over the past 15 years, I have seen a lot of women but now that I included Health & Wellbeing, it is a whole new ball game. Your Lifestyle is really where you should start from and then your image is the cherry on top. I can think of clients over the years, where together we have literally put a plaster on them hoping that by changing their ‘look’, it will changetheir life – it doesn’t. Putting yourself and your health first, it will and The Holistic Image Coach was born.

With love xx

Jo is highly skilled in her area of style and image. She was able to take me, a 40 year old woman with a lack of confidence in her image and who was always hiding under clothes and she helped me to build a solid foundation for how clothes can work for me and my body, projecting my personality
and individual style. Coupled with the colour consultation previously had, I felt amazing when I came away, and practised by just identifying a few key pieces to help balance out my wardrobe and make the other items more ‘wearable’. Such a positive investment which will save me time and
money. Amazing results. Thank you

Clare C. Marlow

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